A competition "The best lesson" named "Sacred homeland" was dedicated to Independence Day of Kazakhstan
A competition "The best lesson" named "Sacred homeland" was dedicated to Independence Day of Kazakhstan
In our school on December, 6 was a competition "The best lesson" based on our president N.A.Nazarbayev`s article "Bolashakka bagdar: rukhani jangiru" suggested on "Spiritual values of Kazakhstan" between educational organizations of the city of Astana. It was dedicated to First President Day and Independence Day of Kazakhstan. 12 class teachers Yesirkep A, Bolat N, Taukebayeva A, Orazalieva A., Seideshova G., Ashenova S., Ospanova G., Bekzat A., Akhmetova Zh., Meshitbayeva K., Ospanova G. spent open training lessons on the given theme. The event held by the 3"b" class teacher Kukenova K.T. in school assembly hall was at a very high level.