Psychology of Ozernoy School Kurmanbaeva G.H., conducted with children of grades 9-11 a confidence training, the exercise "Who will praise themselves the best"
Psychology of Ozernoy School Kurmanbaeva G.H., conducted with children of grades 9-11 a confidence training, the exercise "Who will praise themselves the best", each of the children was able to express themselves, praise themselves. I read the mini-lecture "What to do it my eyes are tired?"
Psychology of Ozernoy School Kurmanbaeva G.H., conducted with children of grades 9-11 a confidence training, the exercise "Who will praise themselves the best", each of the children was able to express themselves, praise themselves. I read the mini-lecture "What to do it my eyes are tired?"
The purpose of the lesson: to increase self-confidence, in one's own strength, resistance to stress; develop mental cognitive processes (memory, attention, imagination, speech).