"Intellect - a model of future education" junior olympiad was held among pupils of 11-13 years on Independence Day of Kazakhstan
"Intellect - a model of future education" junior olympiad was held among pupils of 11-13 years on Independence Day of Kazakhstan
On the eve of the Independence Day there was held an Olympiad on the theme "Intellect - the model of the future of education" among the pupils of 11-13 years old, which was held in “Mangala”, “Reversi”, “Kulami” games. Askarova Riazat Narimanovna and Kushanbayeva Gulnara Sarsenbayevna were judged by the Center for additional education at Intellektom Center. Pupils who completed the game, won prize-winning places. Tagaibek Beibitkhan, Zhenis Aldiyar, Zahitdinova Sarvinoz took the 1st place and Tleuberdi Alinur, Kalimbek Beknur, Murat Imangali and Kurmantai Askhat won the bronze medal. Congratulating our students, we wish them to reach the best results in the future.